2022年2月11日 加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast




春節聯歡宴會於202233在列治文幸運海鮮酒樓 CONTINENTAL SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 舉行,截止報名日期:225日(星期五),報名查詢: 778-882-9269,報名電郵:tungkoon@gmail.com


會長 曾康盛

Dear Members, Folk and Friends,

The Spring Festival Gala Banquet will be held on March 3, 2022 at CONTINENTAL SEAFOOD RESTAURANT in Richmond.

Registration deadline: February 25 (Friday),

Registration enquiries: 778-882-9269,

Registration email: tungkoon@gmail.com

I hope that you will actively register to participate in this event, and everyone gathers together to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Tiger.

Johnson Tsang, President

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