2022年1月29日 加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast


辭舊歲全家歡笑 迎新年滿院春光

值此送舊迎新之際,理事會全體同寅向大家送上新年賀卡,致以新春的祝福。祝賀大家 虎年大吉,家庭幸福,平安健康,心想事成!


Dear Members and Folks,

On the occasion of sending off the old and welcoming the new, the Board of Directors sent New Year’s card to you with best wishes for the New Year. Congratulations to everyone on a prosperous Year of the Tiger!

Board of Directors

Tung Koon Benevolent (Canada) Association


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