Archive for category 會員通訊
2021年5月11日加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast
1. 名譽會董莫志順,會員莫笑東伉儷 $200
2. 理事林長春及會員林新珠伉儷 $200
3. 庾志成永遠名譽會長 $100
4. 庾仲凱會員 $100
5. 會員林文勝,陳燕嫻伉儷 $300
6. 永遠會長周海,名譽會董羅穎芯伉儷 $300
7. 兩位永遠名譽顧問葉承基,葉吳美琪伉儷 $200
8. 周鳳姬理事 $100
9. 張小紅名譽會長,永遠名譽會董 $200
10. 鍾競業會員 $200
11. 曾康裕會員 $100
12. 永遠會長黃仲文、會員袁巧珠伉儷 $200
13. 王湛中會員 $200
14. 鄉賢溫彩明,永遠名譽會董鄭敬彩伉儷 $200
15. 李杰滿名譽會董 $200
16. 梁旭華永遠會長 $100
17. 名譽會董袁沛林,會員王惠琳伉儷 $200
18. 兩位永遠名譽會董陳波,黎少蘭伉儷 $300
19. 會員黃陳淑嫻 $200
20. 會員梁冠南,陳麗嫻伉儷 $300
21. 名譽會董陳蔭良、鄭麗香伉儷 $300
22. 鄉賢陳炎基,盧愛英伉儷 $200
23. 永遠名譽顧問袁善定,會員雷活梨伉儷 $200
24. 名譽會董馮潤興,會員何美霞伉儷 $200
25. 曾王麗珍名譽會董 $300
26. 會務顧問袁周新,會員游杏蘭伉儷 $100
27. 會務顧問周浩儀 $100
28. 名譽會董馮潤興,會員何美霞伉儷 $200
29. 袁巨凡鄉賢及家人 $200
會長 曾康盛
2021年4月19日加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast
2021年2月18日加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBABroadcast
會長 曾康盛
Dear members and folks,
Today is the seventh day of the Chinese New Year, I wish everyone a Happy Birthday!
A moment ago, Zhou Ruichou, our club manager, requested to resign on the grounds that he was old and he hoped to hand over the duty to other. After discussion, the Board of Directors decided to respect his intentions and plan to find suitable candidates. The Directors redefined the scope of work for the new club manager and encouraged the Directors to candidate for this position. After discussion and voting by the core group members of the Board of Directors, Director Lillian Zhou was appointed as the new club manager. Zhou Ruichou will leave the position at the end of March. Now he is busy preparing the hand-over details and cultivating new talent, and Director Lillian Zhou is now ready to learn and take over the duty. Our heartfelt thanks to Zhou Ruichou, President for Life and Lillian Zhou, Honorary Director, the father and daughter for their courage to take on their roles and serve the Association!
The Tung Koon Benevolent (Canada) Association was founded in 1992, and next year 2022 will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment. The Board of Directors discussed and decided to publish a “Tung Koon Benevolent (Canada) Association 30th Anniversary Souvenir Publication” to report to you the activities and growth of the Association in the past five years, the information of hometown and the transmission of nostalgia. We hope to get your support, to publish congratulatory messages or advertisements, and sponsor printing funds. If you are willing to sponsor the publication, please fill in and return the attached Sponsorship Reply Slip, or call us directly. Thank you for your love and support to the Association!
Jonson Tsang
2021年1月17日 加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast
1. 在加拿大境內就讀十二班的東莞籍學生,當年畢業成績優異,品行良好,並考上大學或專上學院繼續深造的;
2. 父母親都是本會永久會員,或父親是永久會員,母親是永久贊助會員。父母親必須在申請前三個月入會,其子女才可申請獎學金。
1. 到會所(或電郵索取申請表並填好所有內容,將原校及省試成績表(影印件或掃描件) ,以及原校各項獲獎證明(影印件或掃描件),於2021年1月31日前一齊交到會所(或電郵);
2. 另請交(或電郵予本會)一張學生本人半身彩色相片用於製作嘉獎狀用;
3. 學生的英文名必須要與銀行戶口英文名相符。
如有查詢,請電陳正權評審小組組長 778-549-4488.
Dear Members,
The 2020 Annual (24th Tung Koon Benevolent (Can.) Association Scholarship is open for the registrations. The details of application are listed as follows:
1. Students who are Tung Koon natives, are attending Grade 12 in Canada, have achieved academic excellent in their graduation year 2020, have been admitted to universities or post-secondary colleges for further studies and are of good character are entitled to apply for the scholarship in 2020.
2. Both parents are Life Members or the father is Life Member and the mother is Sponsoring Member for Life. Both parents must have acquired the membership at least three months prior to their child’s application for the scholarship.
Application Procedure:
1. Obtain the Application Form either from the Clubhouse or by email Before the deadline January 31, 2021, submit the documents either in person to the Clubhouse or by email with the following items: the filled application form, the photocopy or digital scanned copy of academic reports from the school, the Provincial Examination, any award received.
2. Send the applicant’s color portrait photo by email for the production of Scholarship Certificate.
3. The applicant’s name must be matching to his/her banking account.
1. Each successful candidate for the Scholarship will be awarded $300 and a Scholarship Certificate.
For enquiry, please contact Eric Chan, panel leader of judges 778-549-4488.
Panel of Judges
Tung Koon Benevolent (Can.) Association
Scholarship Fund
2021年1月6日 加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast
- 在加拿大境內就讀十二班的東莞籍學生,當年畢業省試成績優異,品行良好,並考上大學或專上學院繼續深造的;
- 父母親都是本會永久會員,或父親是永久會員,母親是永久贊助會員。父母親必須在申請前三個月入會,其子女才可申請獎學金。
- 到會所(或電郵索取申請表並填好所有內容,將原校及省試成績表(影印件或掃描件) ,以及原校各項獲獎證明(影印件或掃描件),於2021年1月31日前一齊交到會所(或電郵);
- 另請交(或電郵予本會)一張學生本人半身彩色相片用於製作嘉獎狀用;
- 學生的英文名必須要與銀行戶口英文名相符。
如有查詢,請電陳正權評審小組組長 778-549-4488.
Dear Members,
The 2020 Annual (24th Tung Koon Benevolent (Can.) Association Scholarship is open for the registrations. The details of application are listed as follows:
- Students who are Tung Koon natives, are attending Grade 12 in Canada, have achieved academic excellent in the Provincial Examination in their graduation year 2020, have been admitted to universities or post-secondary colleges for further studies and are of good character are entitled to apply for the scholarship in 2020.
- Both parents are Life Members or the father is Life Member and the mother is Sponsoring Member for Life. Both parents must have acquired the membership at least three months prior to their child’s application for the scholarship.
Application Procedure:
- Obtain the Application Form either from the Clubhouse or by email to the deadline January 31, 2021, submit the documents either in person to the Clubhouse or by email with the following items: the filled application form, the photocopy or digital scanned copy of academic reports from the school, the Provincial Examination, any award received.
- Send the applicant’s color portrait photo by email for the production of Scholarship Certificate.
- The applicant’s name must be matching to his/her banking account.
- Each successful candidate for the Scholarship will be awarded $300 and a Scholarship Certificate.
For enquiry, please contact Eric Chan, panel leader of judges 778-549-4488.
Panel of Judges
Tung Koon Benevolent (Can.) Association
Scholarship Fund
2021年1月2日加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast
Dear Members and Folks,
On the occasion of saying goodbye to 2020, let us review the affairs of the Association in the extraordinary year. Please click the link above to view the video. The ability of our Associations to grow in adversity depends on the participation and support of fellow members. All directors of the board express their heartfelt thanks to you! The new year 2021 has begun. we wish you all happiness and health, and a happy new year! Let us look forward to returning to normal conference activities as soon as possible, and we can get together again happily.
Johnson Tsang, President
Tung Koon Benevolent (Can.) Association