加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast

Agenda for AGM of 2023 Revised

2023年會員週年大會議程 更新版


大家好!時間過得快了,轉眼又快到一年一度的會員週年大會。溫馨提示你們報名參加625日(星期日)在假溫哥華富大海鮮酒家(Floata Seafood Restaurant, 400-180 Keefer St., Vancouver)舉行 【2023年會員週年大會】,屆時備有茶點招待,敬請會員撥冗出席,共商籌策。簽到登記在下午2: 30開始。並奉達當日之大會議程,以供參考。


會長 曾康盛

Dear Members:

Hello everyone! Time flies, and it is almost time for the annual general meeting of members. Kindly remind you to sign up for the [2023 Annual Membership Meeting] held at Floata Seafood Restaurant (400-180 Keefer St., Vancouver) on June 25 (Sunday). Refreshments will be provided at that time. Please welcome Members taking the time to attend and discuss and plan together. Check-in starts at 2:30 pm. The meeting agenda of the day is also provided for reference.

For inquiries, please contact me at 604-616-8668.

Johnson Tsang, President

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