Archive for March 6th, 2022

2022年3月6日 加拿大東莞同鄉會信息廣播 TKBA Broadcast

大家好!同鄉會在3月3日舉行的虎年春節聯歡宴會圓滿成功。感謝各位善長贊助豐富的抽獎禮 物、檯面獎品、利是和經費,讓大家共同分享你們的快樂,增添新年的喜悅!感謝各位檯前幕後 的理事、會員、家屬和好友,為籌備這個宴會付出寶貴的時間和精力!感謝各位對同鄉會的大力支持,參加宴會!請點擊以下連結,與你們分享當晚的歡樂時光。
會長 曾康盛

Dear members, folks and friends:
Hello everyone! The Chinese New Year Banquet held on March 3 was a complete success. Thank you for your generous sponsorship of raffle gifts, table prizes, luck moneys and funds, so that everyone can share your happiness and add joy to the New Year! Thank you to all the directors, members, family members and friends in front and behind the stage for your precious time and energy to prepare this banquet! Thank you for your great support to the Association and for attending the banquet! Please click on the link above to share with you the happy moment of the night.
Johnson Tsang, President

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